Friday, March 29, 2013

"Remember Lots Wife"

by Elder Jeffery R. Holland

This was a BYU Devotional given on January 13, 2009.

Just days before I had returned to BYU - after my 2 year break for a mission, so I was SO excited to attend this devotional on the BYU campus. 

I still feel very blessed that I was able to be in the BYU Marriott Center for this speech... LIVE and there in the presence of Elder Holland and his lovely wife. 

I felt like he was talking to me - seriously! But I'm sure everyone there felt the same way. I'm sure YOU will feel that way after you have listened to this talk.

That is the beauty of a leader and a speaker like Elder Holland. He knows how to reach out and touch individuals with his words!

Watch a video recording of this talk below (35 mins)

It's also available on in several formats - PDF, mp3 and html for you to download for free. 


It's ALL good, but to me the story he tells at the end, about being a student and sometimes wanting to give up and going through so many hard things, I could really relate to that. 

One of my favorite things he said was at the end...
"To all such of every generation, I call out, “Remember Lot’s wife.” Faith is for the future. Faith builds on the past but never longs to stay there. Faith trusts that God has great things in store for each of us and that Christ truly is the “high priest of good things to come.”

Please let me know what YOU thought - what your favorite part of this talk was - in the comments below!


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